Pengertian Keyakinan
Keyakinan ialah kepercayaan yang tidak berbelah bagi. Keyakinan diri pula ialah kepercayaan bahawa dirinya boleh mengendalikan kehidupannya dengan baik serta segala cabaran yang dihadapi dengan jayanya.
Kepentingan Membina Keyakinan Diri
Kebolehan anda mengatasi segala halangan dalam hidup untuk mencapai kejayaan, banyak dipengaruhi oleh keyakinan diri anda. Ini bermakna lebih yakin anda pada diri anda serta masa hadapan anda, lebih terbukalah kejayaan untuk anda.
Jenis-Jenis Keyakinan
Pada hemat saya, terdapat 4 jenis keyakinan utama yang perlu kita miliki:
Keyakinan diri terhadap Tuhan dan KeesaanNya
Keyakinan terhadap diri sendiri
Keyakinan diri sendiri terhadap orang lain
Keyakinan orang lain terhadap diri sendiri
Punca-Punca Utama Ketidakyakinan Diri
Tidak mempunyai matlamat yang jelas dalam hidup
Tidak mempunyai prinsip hidup yang mantap
Kurang pengetahuan, pengalaman dan pendedahan
Kurang kemahiran dan persediaan
Suka bergaul dengan orang-orang yang berfikiran negatif atau dilahirkan di kalangan orang-orang yang pesimis
Kemiskinan (Idea & Sains Kejayaan Hidup)
Berpenyakit kronik atau badan kerap kurang cergas / sihat
Petanda-Petanda Orang yang Kurang Keyakinan Diri
Kurang senyum
Risau dan kelihatan risau
Gugup dan kelihatan gugup
Kurang berinteraksi
Malas bekerja atau berusaha
Bersikap meminta-minta
Mudah putus asa
Suka gossip dan mengumpat
Defensif dan pemarah
Mudah berbohong
Keajaiban Keyakinan Diri
Kejayaan datang kepada mereka yang dapat mengendalikan kehidupan dengan yakin dan cemerlang.
Kisah Keyakinan Diri Joan of Arc amat menarik perhatian saya. Joan of Arc pada umur 17 tahun, seorang pengembala kambing biri-biri yang miskin di Perancis, amat percaya yang ia telah mendapat ilham dari Tuhan bahawa beliau harus mengetuai bala tentera Perancis untuk menentang tentera-tentera Inggeris yang amat sukar dikalahkan. Tentera-tentera Perancis telah kehabisan idea tentang bagaimanakah lagi cara menepis serangan-serangan serta mengalahkan tentera-tentera Inggeris. Kerana terlalu kekalutan, mereka telah merayu kepada sesiapa sahaja di kalangan rakyat Perancis untuk tampil ke hadapan memberi idea tentang bagaimanakah lagi cara menentang tentera-tentera Inggeris.
Joan of Arc seorang gadis yang masih amat muda itu telah tampil ke hadapan dengan keyakinan yang begitu tinggi, berapi-api - amat yakin sekali - seyakin-yakinnya! bahawa ia telah mendapat ilham dari Tuhan yang dia sahajalah yang akan dapat memimpin bala tentera Perancis bagi mengalahkan tentera-tentera Inggeris. Keyakinannya yang sungguh kental dan mengkagumkan itu telah memberi harapan baru kepada pucuk pimpinan tentera Perancis. Beliau telah diberi tugas berat; mengepalai tentera Perancis yang sedang menghadapi kebuntuan dan kemelut itu!
Keyakinan si gadis lidi yang tidak dapat dipertikaikan lagi itu telah menyemarakkan semangat seluruh tentera dan rakyat Perancis. Dengan keyakinan dan pimpinan Joan of Arc, mereka telah mendapat semangat dan tenaga baru untuk menyerang balas dan menggempur tentera-tentera Inggeris dengan strategi peperangan yang berbisa serta keyakinan dan semangat juang yang tidak terperi tingginya! Ini telah amat meNGEJUTKAN tentera-tentera Inggeris sehingga hilang arah, kekuatan dan semangat walaupun jumlah mereka lebih ramai daripada tentera-tentera Perancis - kelamkabut serta bertempiaran tentera-tentera Inggeris! Lantas, Perancis meraih kemenangan besar!
Inilah bukti KEAJAIBAN keyakinan diri!
Pengertian, Definisi & Takrifan Motivasi
Bagaimana Memotivasi Diri Anda
7 Ciri Orang-Orang yang Positif
Keajaiban Keyakinan Diri
7 Langkah Untuk Mencapai Matlamat
Untuk Mencapai Kejayaan, Anda MESTI Buat 2 Perkara!
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Orleans, 1429
This battle of the hundred years war might also be known as 'How the English were beaten by a small girl'. The English, after winning at Agincourt in 1415, were in possession of large portions of Northern France including Paris. The English conquest of France seemed inevitable and so they began the siege of Orleans, the city being a 'gateway' to southern regions. The legend of Joan of Arc was born when a young 17 year old maid took upon herself the task of leading a French reprieve of Orleans. Accounts of Joan and the events that lead to her appointment as the leader of an army are littered with myth and religious overtones, she was seen as an angel or a saviour from heaven, men could not understand how she was able to command such respect and loyalty from the troops. She led a relief force, with food and supplies, to Orleans and, once there, led an attack against the English camps outside of the city. Guerrilla style tactics were used, small attacks in different locations, splitting up the English forces and making them more vulnerable. Soon the English siege was broken despite the fact that they had outnumbered the French defenders.
A medieval portrait of Joan of Arc.
An English relief force was defeated almost to a man despite also outnumbering the French led by Joan. Accounts of the battle once again speak of the French being supported by angels and having a divine leadership. These victories, combined with subsequent liberation of several French towns and cities by Joan, led to Joan of Arc being forever remembered as a heroine of France, her name and legend being equated with that of a saint or holy leader. She was captured and burned at the stake by the English in 1430.
Spurious counter argument...
Joan of Arc never lived to enjoy her victories, we killed her.
The fact that the leader of an army was eventually murdered cannot wipe out the victories that the army had. The English were defeated soundly at Orleans.
Artkel ini dipetik dari: British Military Defeat
"CuKupLah SeOranG muSLim iTu, Dia MenGeTaHui KeBuRuKaNnya. KeMuDian MeLuRusKan KeBuRuKan iTu. LaLu DenGaN KeBuRuKan iTu, Dia MemPerBaiKi oRaNg LaiN"
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Story About Yesterday....
That day, I had to go see a friend. Since the meeting place was in the middle of the city, I decided to use the train instead of driving to avoid getting stuck in the traffic. As I boarded the train, I saw most seats had been taken, except for a few, so, I decided on one and sat down.
I looked around me and saw bored faces waiting to reach their destinations. But there was this one face I front of me whom my eyes were glued to. The woman looked so distracted and distraught. Obviously, her mind was fully occupied with something serious, like a heavy burden. She was just staring blankly in front of her. Her body was there, but her mind was definitely somewhere else…!
I just couldn’t help but wonder why she looked that way. Was her family in trouble? Was anyone sick? Perhaps she was facing financial difficulties. Allahu a’lam(Allah know best).
I remembered one of Allah’s verses that can be translated as:
“We do not impose on any self any more than it can stand. With Us there is a Book which speaks the truth. They will not be wronged.” (Al-Mu’minun, 23:62)
How I wish I could tell her this. Don’t be so worried. Allah will not test you more than you can bear. But what would be rather presumptuous, don’t you think? Perhaps she new about this verse. But then again, what if she didn’t know? Wouldn’t this verse get rid of her worries and bring her great relief? Relief to know that whatever tests and trials she may have been facing were actually bearable, because Allah shall never impose on anyone anything more than what the person can handle.
Caliph’ Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) once said:
“The one who longs for paradise will rush towards good deeds; the one who dreads Hell will put an end to his vices; The one who has firm conviction in()the imminent arrival of) death will lose all his passions; and The one who really knows the dunya will find disasters easy to bear.”
“The one who knows dunya woud find disaster easy to bear.”What did he mean by this?I needed to crack the wise words of our Prophet’s son-in-law,who was the husband of Lady Fatimah,as well as one of the companionsof the Prophet(peace be upon him)guaranteed Paradise.
Well,dunya ,a.k.a. “ this world,”is a temporary abode,not permanent.It is a place to test the believers and separate the faithful from the rebellious.The higher the iman(faith)of a person ,the bigger the test will be.Noting in this world will last,and there will be a day when everything will be destroyed-the Day of Judgement.Our real life will then be in the Hereafter,Paradise.
No wonder Caliph’Ali said that.Now I understand.If we know that,then whatever we face here,no matter how bad the disaster,is only temporary.Just be patient with every test,and soon enough we will,in sha’Allah,receive His bounty and rewards in a place that is permanent.Forever.Eternal
Listen to what Allah said here:
(Or id you imagine that you were going to enter the Garden without God knowing those among of you who had struggle and knowing the steadfast?)(Al-‘Imran 3:142)
So,the reason why Allah tries us is actually to see if we are qualified for His jannah-just like when we have to sit for an entrance examination before enrolling into a prestigious institution.If we pass the test and make the cut,we are in .Otherwise,there is no place for us there.It is very fair,don’t you think?
Subhan Allah,what an attractive way of thinking!
As I thought further,I realized that,Caliph’Ali’s wise words aside,this feeling of worry actually very destructive.It can make people be in a state of continuous depression,sadness,anxiety, and nervousness.It can affect someone quite negatively-both psychologically and physically.I am sue many would agree with me,right?
Wory does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow;it empties today of its strength.
This is so true.People who worry are in a stateof hopelessness at all times,which may result in loss of interest in the future.Their future.Why?Because we ,as humans,definitely do not know what is going to happen to us later.Therefore,we can never be sure of anything-not even what will happen to us in the next two seconds.Tick.Tock.Yes,those two seconds.
So,what are we supposed to do now in order to ensure that our minds are at peace?What needs to be done so that we can sleep peacefully at night,stop our palms from sweating all the time,and prevent our hearts from racing unnecessarily?
This is what Allah told us to do:
(Says:Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordainedfor us.He is our Lord and in Allah let the believers put their trust.)
(At-Taubah 9:51)
In Him,we should all put all our trust.
Isn’t it wonderful to have a rope to hang on to?To know that everything that happens to us has been ordained by Allah?
This actually means that we should not be surprised at all about anything that takes place.It has been planned and penned by Allah.It is just that we don’t know about it.
Now,let me ask you a question.If it is our Lord and Creator who has ordained this trial on us,then,logically speaking,whom should we turn to when seeking help?If we have medical problems,do we go to see a banker?If we have a problem understanding mathematics,do we seek the help of a language teacher?
Our beloved Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him)left us with a prayer(du’aa’)that he used to recite when dealing with worries about the future:
“Allahuma aslih li deeni alladhi huwa ‘ismatu amri,wa aslih li dunyaya allati fiha ma’aashi,wa aslih li akhirati allati ilayha ma’aadi,waj’al al-hayata ziyadatan li fi kulli khayr,wal-mawta rahatan li min kulli sharr.”
“O Allah,correct my religious commitment,which is the foundation of my life ,and correct my wordly affairs in which is my livelihood,and grant me a good in the Hereafter to which is my return.Make my life a means of accumulating good,and make death a respite for me from all evil.”(Muslim)
And he also said:
“Allahumma rahmataka arju fa la takilni ila nafsi tarfata ‘aynin wa aslih li sha’ni kullahu,la ilaha illa anta.”
“O Allah,for Your mercy I hope,so do not abandon me to myself even for a moment.And correct all my affairs.There is no god but You.”(Abu Dawud and classed as hasan by al-Albani)
A perfect prayer for a stressed soul,subhan Allah.
Imagine…asking Allah to correct my wordly and spiritual matters,asking Allah not to abandon me,even for a second,to make my life in this world blessed with goodness and make my death as a relief for me from evil.Allah!
And,in the end,Allah says that:
(And whosoever puts his trust in Allah,then He will suffice him.)
(At-Talaq 65:3)
Of course,once we put our trust in Him,everything else seems so small and trivial.He is Al-Barr(the Most Kind),The Source of Goodness…
How I wish we could all have the same level of conviction as a Caliph’Umar below…
I do not care in what state I wake up in the morning-wether it’s good or bad-since I do not know what is good for me and what is bad.
Just imagine how contented and peaceful his heart and mind were with such a level of trust in his Lord…
Let me share with you a poem I once read,entitled Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow:
Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday
And today was such a lovely day,
That I wondered why I worried about today yesterday
So today I am not going to worry about tomorrow
There may not bea tomorrow anyway
So today I am going to live as if there is no tomorrow
And I am going to forget about yesterday.
Today is the tomorrow I planned for yesterday
And nearly all my plans for today did not plan out the way I thought they would yesterday
So today I am forgetting about tomorrow and I will plan for today
But not too strenuously
Today I will stop to smell a rose
I will tell a loved one how much I love her
I will stop planning for tomorrow and plan to make today the best day of my life.
Today is the tomorrow I was afraid of yesterday
And today was nothing to be afraid of
So today I will banish fear of the unknown
I will embrace the unknown as a learning experience full of exciting opportunities
Today,unlike yesterday,I will not fear tomorrow.
Today is the tomorrow I dreamed about yesterday
And some of the dreams I dreamt about yesterday came true today
So today I am going to continue dreaming about tomorrow
And perhaps more of the dreams I dream today will come true tomorrow.
Today is the tomorrow I set goals for yesterday
And I reached some of those goals today
So today I am going to set slightly higher goals for today and tomorrow
And if tomorrow turns out to be like today
I will certainly reach all of my goals one day!
Certainly,I will,in sha’Allah.Don’t you just love the way this poem twists both your tongue and your mind?it is beautifully penned by the unknown poet,who I think has put a lot of his time into observing and contemplating life,ma sha’Allah.
So now my friends-a question for you and it worth worrying too much about tomorrow?Because tomorrow is yesterday’s today.And my today looks just fine and wonderful,Alhamdulillah.
Is yours so,too?If yes,then what are we doing with”worry”sitting here with us?If no,then,still-why worry when tomorrow is a brand new day!
Remember what Charles Schultz said once:
Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today.It’s already tomorrow in Australia.
So,let us all toss Mr.Worry out of the window,and out the window he should go.I have thrown away my “Mr.Worry” just seconds ago.Is yours thrown out too?
Come,let me help you…:
Doesn’t that feel great?Totally!Alhamdulillah…s
I looked around me and saw bored faces waiting to reach their destinations. But there was this one face I front of me whom my eyes were glued to. The woman looked so distracted and distraught. Obviously, her mind was fully occupied with something serious, like a heavy burden. She was just staring blankly in front of her. Her body was there, but her mind was definitely somewhere else…!
I just couldn’t help but wonder why she looked that way. Was her family in trouble? Was anyone sick? Perhaps she was facing financial difficulties. Allahu a’lam(Allah know best).
I remembered one of Allah’s verses that can be translated as:
“We do not impose on any self any more than it can stand. With Us there is a Book which speaks the truth. They will not be wronged.” (Al-Mu’minun, 23:62)
How I wish I could tell her this. Don’t be so worried. Allah will not test you more than you can bear. But what would be rather presumptuous, don’t you think? Perhaps she new about this verse. But then again, what if she didn’t know? Wouldn’t this verse get rid of her worries and bring her great relief? Relief to know that whatever tests and trials she may have been facing were actually bearable, because Allah shall never impose on anyone anything more than what the person can handle.
Caliph’ Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) once said:
“The one who longs for paradise will rush towards good deeds; the one who dreads Hell will put an end to his vices; The one who has firm conviction in()the imminent arrival of) death will lose all his passions; and The one who really knows the dunya will find disasters easy to bear.”
“The one who knows dunya woud find disaster easy to bear.”What did he mean by this?I needed to crack the wise words of our Prophet’s son-in-law,who was the husband of Lady Fatimah,as well as one of the companionsof the Prophet(peace be upon him)guaranteed Paradise.
Well,dunya ,a.k.a. “ this world,”is a temporary abode,not permanent.It is a place to test the believers and separate the faithful from the rebellious.The higher the iman(faith)of a person ,the bigger the test will be.Noting in this world will last,and there will be a day when everything will be destroyed-the Day of Judgement.Our real life will then be in the Hereafter,Paradise.
No wonder Caliph’Ali said that.Now I understand.If we know that,then whatever we face here,no matter how bad the disaster,is only temporary.Just be patient with every test,and soon enough we will,in sha’Allah,receive His bounty and rewards in a place that is permanent.Forever.Eternal
Listen to what Allah said here:
(Or id you imagine that you were going to enter the Garden without God knowing those among of you who had struggle and knowing the steadfast?)(Al-‘Imran 3:142)
So,the reason why Allah tries us is actually to see if we are qualified for His jannah-just like when we have to sit for an entrance examination before enrolling into a prestigious institution.If we pass the test and make the cut,we are in .Otherwise,there is no place for us there.It is very fair,don’t you think?
Subhan Allah,what an attractive way of thinking!
As I thought further,I realized that,Caliph’Ali’s wise words aside,this feeling of worry actually very destructive.It can make people be in a state of continuous depression,sadness,anxiety, and nervousness.It can affect someone quite negatively-both psychologically and physically.I am sue many would agree with me,right?
Wory does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow;it empties today of its strength.
This is so true.People who worry are in a stateof hopelessness at all times,which may result in loss of interest in the future.Their future.Why?Because we ,as humans,definitely do not know what is going to happen to us later.Therefore,we can never be sure of anything-not even what will happen to us in the next two seconds.Tick.Tock.Yes,those two seconds.
So,what are we supposed to do now in order to ensure that our minds are at peace?What needs to be done so that we can sleep peacefully at night,stop our palms from sweating all the time,and prevent our hearts from racing unnecessarily?
This is what Allah told us to do:
(Says:Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordainedfor us.He is our Lord and in Allah let the believers put their trust.)
(At-Taubah 9:51)
In Him,we should all put all our trust.
Isn’t it wonderful to have a rope to hang on to?To know that everything that happens to us has been ordained by Allah?
This actually means that we should not be surprised at all about anything that takes place.It has been planned and penned by Allah.It is just that we don’t know about it.
Now,let me ask you a question.If it is our Lord and Creator who has ordained this trial on us,then,logically speaking,whom should we turn to when seeking help?If we have medical problems,do we go to see a banker?If we have a problem understanding mathematics,do we seek the help of a language teacher?
Our beloved Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him)left us with a prayer(du’aa’)that he used to recite when dealing with worries about the future:
“Allahuma aslih li deeni alladhi huwa ‘ismatu amri,wa aslih li dunyaya allati fiha ma’aashi,wa aslih li akhirati allati ilayha ma’aadi,waj’al al-hayata ziyadatan li fi kulli khayr,wal-mawta rahatan li min kulli sharr.”
“O Allah,correct my religious commitment,which is the foundation of my life ,and correct my wordly affairs in which is my livelihood,and grant me a good in the Hereafter to which is my return.Make my life a means of accumulating good,and make death a respite for me from all evil.”(Muslim)
And he also said:
“Allahumma rahmataka arju fa la takilni ila nafsi tarfata ‘aynin wa aslih li sha’ni kullahu,la ilaha illa anta.”
“O Allah,for Your mercy I hope,so do not abandon me to myself even for a moment.And correct all my affairs.There is no god but You.”(Abu Dawud and classed as hasan by al-Albani)
A perfect prayer for a stressed soul,subhan Allah.
Imagine…asking Allah to correct my wordly and spiritual matters,asking Allah not to abandon me,even for a second,to make my life in this world blessed with goodness and make my death as a relief for me from evil.Allah!
And,in the end,Allah says that:
(And whosoever puts his trust in Allah,then He will suffice him.)
(At-Talaq 65:3)
Of course,once we put our trust in Him,everything else seems so small and trivial.He is Al-Barr(the Most Kind),The Source of Goodness…
How I wish we could all have the same level of conviction as a Caliph’Umar below…
I do not care in what state I wake up in the morning-wether it’s good or bad-since I do not know what is good for me and what is bad.
Just imagine how contented and peaceful his heart and mind were with such a level of trust in his Lord…
Let me share with you a poem I once read,entitled Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow:
Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday
And today was such a lovely day,
That I wondered why I worried about today yesterday
So today I am not going to worry about tomorrow
There may not bea tomorrow anyway
So today I am going to live as if there is no tomorrow
And I am going to forget about yesterday.
Today is the tomorrow I planned for yesterday
And nearly all my plans for today did not plan out the way I thought they would yesterday
So today I am forgetting about tomorrow and I will plan for today
But not too strenuously
Today I will stop to smell a rose
I will tell a loved one how much I love her
I will stop planning for tomorrow and plan to make today the best day of my life.
Today is the tomorrow I was afraid of yesterday
And today was nothing to be afraid of
So today I will banish fear of the unknown
I will embrace the unknown as a learning experience full of exciting opportunities
Today,unlike yesterday,I will not fear tomorrow.
Today is the tomorrow I dreamed about yesterday
And some of the dreams I dreamt about yesterday came true today
So today I am going to continue dreaming about tomorrow
And perhaps more of the dreams I dream today will come true tomorrow.
Today is the tomorrow I set goals for yesterday
And I reached some of those goals today
So today I am going to set slightly higher goals for today and tomorrow
And if tomorrow turns out to be like today
I will certainly reach all of my goals one day!
Certainly,I will,in sha’Allah.Don’t you just love the way this poem twists both your tongue and your mind?it is beautifully penned by the unknown poet,who I think has put a lot of his time into observing and contemplating life,ma sha’Allah.
So now my friends-a question for you and it worth worrying too much about tomorrow?Because tomorrow is yesterday’s today.And my today looks just fine and wonderful,Alhamdulillah.
Is yours so,too?If yes,then what are we doing with”worry”sitting here with us?If no,then,still-why worry when tomorrow is a brand new day!
Remember what Charles Schultz said once:
Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today.It’s already tomorrow in Australia.
So,let us all toss Mr.Worry out of the window,and out the window he should go.I have thrown away my “Mr.Worry” just seconds ago.Is yours thrown out too?
Come,let me help you…:
Doesn’t that feel great?Totally!Alhamdulillah…s
Friday, January 15, 2010
Hikmah gagal exam
Hikmah is an Arabic word meaning wisdom. In Islam, Allah is viewed as All-Wise (Qur'an 45:37) and messengers are given scripture and wisdom (Qur'an 2:129). Muslims believe that those who reject faith in God are rejecting wisdom. "The parable of those who reject Faith is as if one were to shout like a goat-herd to things that listen to nothing but calls and cries: Deaf, dumb, and blind, they are void of wisdom." (Qur'an 2:171).
bila ada masalah, antara nasihat yang selalu kita dengar:
"Sabarlah, ada hikmah semua tuh"
Hikmah?? Hikmah hanya akan dirasai bagi orang yang bersangka baik dengan Allah. Bersangka baik dengan takdirnya. Bersangka baik dengan semua orang. Akhirnya kita akan rasakan hikmah di setiap kejadian yang berlaku.
Tsunami, letusan gunung berapi dll. Kenapa Allah ciptakan semua ini?? Bukan sahaja ramai manusia yang mati, tapi kerosakn demi kerosakan berlaku. Apa hikmah semua ini?
Saya cuba mencari jawapannya.
Ada yang kata supaya orang yang masih hidup ambil iktibar: Ya. Memang betul.
Ada yang kata supaya tanah di sekitarnya menjadi subur: ya. jugak betul.
dan lain-lain pendapat.
Beberapa minggu lepas, saya menonton rancangan TV mengenai bencana alam. Saya temui hikmah dari sudut sains. Rupanya bencana alam seperti letusan gunung berapi, glasierdan sebagainya, semuanya penting untuk keseimbangan kandungan Bumi...Subhanallah...!! Hebatnya segala ciptaan Allah.
Anda pernah gagal exam??
Hari rabu yang lepas,sy dikejutkan dengan berita kegagalan sahabat saya(Pelajar Perubatan) dalam satu subjek perubatan. Ini kali kedua. Semester lepas, dia gagal satu subjek juga jugak. Mujurlah dia hanya perlu mengulang subjek tersebut bukan mengulang tahun.
Sebagai sahabat, sy turut sedih dan menangis semahu-mahunya. Sy sangat sedih.
Tapi sy yakin segalanya ada hikmah di sebaaliknya. Sy tahu dalam ramai-ramai pelajar perubatan di university kami, hanya dia seorang yang Allah pilih untuk gagal kerana hanya dia sahaja yang mampu berdepan dengan ujian kegagalan. Allah memberi ujian bukan berdasarkan IQ, kekayaan atau appun tetapi Allah beri berdasarkan kemampuan. yakin hanya sahabat sy sahaja yang mampu berdepan dengan kegaagalan.
Sy bertambah sebak bila sahabat sy menyatakan bahawa dia gagal mungkin kerana dia terlalu mengejar sesuatu hingga Allah uji untuk menyedarkannya. Dia juga menyatakan mungkin Allah uji kerana dia masih belum ‘terbentuk’ lagi. Subhanallah, segala puji hanya bagi Allah yang menyelamatkan hati sahabat sy daripada bersangka buruk dengan takdir-Nya....
TERBENTUK sangat setuju dengan luahan hati sahabat sy. Sy juga pernah merasai kegagalan dalam peperiksaan. Sy juga pernah merasai bagaimana bila kita tersenarai antara pelajar yang tercorot di university. Sejujurnya, sy sangat kecewa. Daripada pointer 3 lebih, poiter sy jatuh dan terus jatuh.
Tapi selesai berdepan dengan ujian-ujian tersebut, baru sy sedar segalanya ada hikmah. Mungkin sy masih lagi belum ‘terbentuk’. Ujian datang untuk membersihkan hati-hati yang kotor. Subhanallah, sayangnya Allah pada kita semua...!!
Dengan kegagalan, sy belajar untuk menjadi humble di hadapan masyarakat. Sikap ego juga merosot. Sy belajar untuk merendah diri dan sedaya upaya bersangka baik dengan semua keadaan. Sy juga belajar untuk sentiasa memberi peluang kepada orang lain dan berfikiran matang. Sy tahu Allah beri ujian kerana mungkin sy masih tidak kuat. Jadi diberi ujian demi ujian agar sy jadi kuaat untuk ujian yang lebih besar nanti.......
Sy yakin segala perasaan yang sy alami ketika ujian tersebut, sahabat sy juga sedang mengalami proses-proses tersebut.
Apa yang penting, sentiasa bersangka baik dengan Allah. Dan Dia akan tunjukkan hikmahnya.
bila ada masalah, antara nasihat yang selalu kita dengar:
"Sabarlah, ada hikmah semua tuh"
Hikmah?? Hikmah hanya akan dirasai bagi orang yang bersangka baik dengan Allah. Bersangka baik dengan takdirnya. Bersangka baik dengan semua orang. Akhirnya kita akan rasakan hikmah di setiap kejadian yang berlaku.
Tsunami, letusan gunung berapi dll. Kenapa Allah ciptakan semua ini?? Bukan sahaja ramai manusia yang mati, tapi kerosakn demi kerosakan berlaku. Apa hikmah semua ini?
Saya cuba mencari jawapannya.
Ada yang kata supaya orang yang masih hidup ambil iktibar: Ya. Memang betul.
Ada yang kata supaya tanah di sekitarnya menjadi subur: ya. jugak betul.
dan lain-lain pendapat.
Beberapa minggu lepas, saya menonton rancangan TV mengenai bencana alam. Saya temui hikmah dari sudut sains. Rupanya bencana alam seperti letusan gunung berapi, glasierdan sebagainya, semuanya penting untuk keseimbangan kandungan Bumi...Subhanallah...!! Hebatnya segala ciptaan Allah.
Anda pernah gagal exam??
Hari rabu yang lepas,sy dikejutkan dengan berita kegagalan sahabat saya(Pelajar Perubatan) dalam satu subjek perubatan. Ini kali kedua. Semester lepas, dia gagal satu subjek juga jugak. Mujurlah dia hanya perlu mengulang subjek tersebut bukan mengulang tahun.
Sebagai sahabat, sy turut sedih dan menangis semahu-mahunya. Sy sangat sedih.
Tapi sy yakin segalanya ada hikmah di sebaaliknya. Sy tahu dalam ramai-ramai pelajar perubatan di university kami, hanya dia seorang yang Allah pilih untuk gagal kerana hanya dia sahaja yang mampu berdepan dengan ujian kegagalan. Allah memberi ujian bukan berdasarkan IQ, kekayaan atau appun tetapi Allah beri berdasarkan kemampuan. yakin hanya sahabat sy sahaja yang mampu berdepan dengan kegaagalan.
Sy bertambah sebak bila sahabat sy menyatakan bahawa dia gagal mungkin kerana dia terlalu mengejar sesuatu hingga Allah uji untuk menyedarkannya. Dia juga menyatakan mungkin Allah uji kerana dia masih belum ‘terbentuk’ lagi. Subhanallah, segala puji hanya bagi Allah yang menyelamatkan hati sahabat sy daripada bersangka buruk dengan takdir-Nya....
TERBENTUK sangat setuju dengan luahan hati sahabat sy. Sy juga pernah merasai kegagalan dalam peperiksaan. Sy juga pernah merasai bagaimana bila kita tersenarai antara pelajar yang tercorot di university. Sejujurnya, sy sangat kecewa. Daripada pointer 3 lebih, poiter sy jatuh dan terus jatuh.
Tapi selesai berdepan dengan ujian-ujian tersebut, baru sy sedar segalanya ada hikmah. Mungkin sy masih lagi belum ‘terbentuk’. Ujian datang untuk membersihkan hati-hati yang kotor. Subhanallah, sayangnya Allah pada kita semua...!!
Dengan kegagalan, sy belajar untuk menjadi humble di hadapan masyarakat. Sikap ego juga merosot. Sy belajar untuk merendah diri dan sedaya upaya bersangka baik dengan semua keadaan. Sy juga belajar untuk sentiasa memberi peluang kepada orang lain dan berfikiran matang. Sy tahu Allah beri ujian kerana mungkin sy masih tidak kuat. Jadi diberi ujian demi ujian agar sy jadi kuaat untuk ujian yang lebih besar nanti.......
Sy yakin segala perasaan yang sy alami ketika ujian tersebut, sahabat sy juga sedang mengalami proses-proses tersebut.
Apa yang penting, sentiasa bersangka baik dengan Allah. Dan Dia akan tunjukkan hikmahnya.
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